(Sheryl sent me this to share with you all:)
I just got home from a wonderful trip British Columbia. While we were wandering the area we bumped into this awesome studio/gallery/workshop housed in a cluster of yurts! The owners were so friendly and loved showing us and telling us about all the work both in progress and displayed. I thought some of our group might enjoy seeing the pictures I took while we were there.
(pictures can be enlarged by clicking on them)
The first thing we saw when we walked into the gallery was this amazing exhibit. The fiber artist utilized the itajime clamp-resist process of folding and clamping the silk organza, then selectively removing the sericin (silk gum). The link on the website tells more: http://www.fibreworksgallery.com/current-exhibit/
I was overwhelmed by the beauty of the weavings in the gallery! The colors were incredible and each blanket felt so luxurious. There was also an armoire loaded with beautiful hand-woven scarves in the gallery.
We moved to the next yurt to see another amazing exhibit. Everything was hand-dyed and most were also hand-woven.
Our last stop was in the artist’s studio. What an eye-full! I didn’t get a picture of the walls filled with her hand-spun, hand-dyed yarns or her looms…. I just got too busy looking and forgot to take them. But I did get a picture of this amazing wall hanging made from the fleece of a single sheep. I wish I could recall the type of sheep, but as a young sheep they look a bit like a Holstein cow in color but as they mature they develop coloring that is more like these shades of grey.
The artist spun and wove the fleece into large pieces, then washed it to felt it just enough to be able to cut it into strip for weaving the wall hanging you see here. This was by far my absolute favorite!
British Columbia may be a long trip, but if you ever find yourself in the area, FiberWorks Studio & Gallery is definitely worth the effort to make a visit!
Thank you Sheryl for sending this in. We love reading travel reports, especially if they involve sewing or fiber arts!
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