Linden’s Joy Quilt

Many of our members have taught children and grandchildren to sew, but how many of them have loved it so much that they started a business?

Ann Skaehill did! She is the owner of Crafty Moose Quilts and her proud mother is ASG member Judi Jaksa.

Linden’s Joy

Ann makes and sells t-shirt quilts but she has recently gone into publishing her own quilt patterns.

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The World of Sewing Literature – Part IV

Looking for something to read?  There are many fascinating books revolving around sewing.  Here are a few to whet your appetite.

Add a comment below if you have another book to suggest.

The Forgotten Seamstress by Liz Trenow. It is 1910 and Maria, a talented young girl from the East end of London, is employed to work as a seamstress for the royal family.

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A Hands on Doll Making Class

By Jami Roux

Are you ready to shake up your creativity?  Join us in an all-day workshop to create a darling fabric doll!  Do you need ideas?  Perhaps you need a birthday or Christmas present, or a special project just for yourself!  This workshop will get you out of your comfort zone – while realizing just how truly easy it is to create a fabric doll.  

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New group: “Upping Your Game”

by Davie Marie

Did your wardrobe slip into “too casual” during the Covid shutdown? Now that we’re getting out and about again, it’s time to up your wardrobe game! 

This new neighborhood group is going to explore comfortable clothing suitable for going out or staying home. We’ll take a look at design details that can turn your garment into wearable art, how to copy a ready-to-wear look you’ve seen, explore new sewing techniques, and more!

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Fabric Sale

The Shops at Willow Bend Farmers/Artisan Market

Saturday, June 25th, 9:00 to 2:00

We are pulling out the storage!

What will we find?

So much fabric for $1.00 per yard!

Designer fabrics for $5.00 per yard and Ambiance at $2.00 a yard

Fat quarters at 10 cents each

$5.00 bundles of home dec high end fabric

Fabulous deals on trims as well as 10 cent notions!

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Sewing Podcasts

Check out these podcasts for sewing wit and wisdom!


Helen Wilkinson and Caroline Somos host Love to Sew, a fun weekly podcast about making clothes, sewing community, and small business.  They talk (and laugh) about their passion for sewing a handmade wardrobe and their daily lives as creative entrepreneurs.

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Organizing All Those Self-Drafted Patterns

by Debbie Bowles

I love drafting my own patterns.  The idea of going from a concept, to drafting that concept, to sewing a garment tells my complete story of garment construction. I’ve been pattern drafting for several years, and I have a chunk of self-drafted patterns.  So how do I organize it all?… Read the rest

Spring Fling!

We started out at the Schimelpfenig Library and quickly moved to the Renner Frankford Library in far north Dallas when we found that we had the reservation that never was! Whether it was real (our view) or fictional (their view) somebody really scrambled to find the new venue and no one seemed to have trouble getting there.… Read the rest

State Fair Contests Are Open for Registration!

The Creative Arts Handbook for 2022 is now available at:

There are four departments that might interest our members and you should check the classes for all of them, beginning on page 31 of the handbook.

Holiday Corner
Needlepoint, Crewel, and Counted Cross Stitch
Needlework and Sewing
Afghans, Rugs, Quilts, and Bedspreads

I was surprised to notice that the Holiday Corner included classes for Christmas and Halloween wearing apparel.… Read the rest

2022 Plano ASG Retreat

By Sharon Merlo

The 2022 Plano ASG Retreat was one for the record books.  I have been hosting the Plano ASG Retreat for a number of years now and this one is the most memorable to date. 

We were scheduled for Feb 3rd through Feb 6th, 2022 (Thursday – Sunday) however, Mother Nature had different plans for us. … Read the rest

The Bag Ladies’ Tea

by Mary Jo Forbes

Who doesn’t love a tea party? Over the years that I’ve been a member of Plano ASG we’ve had several but we wanted this tea to be different, a celebration of returning to meeting face to face. We wanted to be able to circulate, to interact, to really enjoy, not just the food, but the event itself.… Read the rest