FOR SALE by Donna. Email Donna, if you’re interested in one of the items below:
– Underwires for bra-making (from Needle Nook Fabrics) 8 pairs Size 16 and one much smaller set — $1 a pair
– Stitch Era Universal Software CD (4 CDs) and Quick Start Lesson. Donna paid $32+; yours for $25
– Pattern Master Boutique Software; started with V3 but have kept up with updates to X5 (I have put $135 just in upgrades), plus I have printed out the User’s Guide.
For SALE by Ginny.
Husqvarna or Pfaff add-on software program called – 5D Card Shop – which lets you create cards that can be printed and machine embroidered. You must own one of the following – 5D, 5D Extra or 5D Professional and have dongle to use this software. This program sells for $225 at Viking or Pfaff stores. I have never used the program. It comes with the User’s Guide, CD with the software and the product activation code. SOLD