A cold Tuesday in January – What better time to have Material Girls venture to Farmersville to the Fancy
Fibers Store to learn how to Wet Felt using the dryer for the felting process.
Seven of us gathered around Mary Berry’s Fancy Fibers Store, first spending time just “petting” the
beautiful roving. We each had a foam square, special felting paper, and a table full of roving. We
decided on designs and begin collecting that wonderful wool.
The cold day made the wool even more luxurious.
After spending a few hours designing, it was time to wrap the wool designs so they could tumble in the
dryer, air only. Some designs took less than an hour. (Debby’s thick one took four hours!) Then, presto,
a quick rinse with hot water to dissolve the paper, and we had our own fabrics to make into whatever
our creativity inspired.
Material Girls hopes to make a couple of field trips a year. With our renewed interests in fiber arts,
Fancy Fibers Store will become one of our main venues.
As a side note, we did take a quick tour of Fiber Circle, the store with the largest collection of yarn in
Texas. Farmersville is a fiber arts haven!!