Neighborhood Groups

Browse the Neighborhood Groups listed below to find one or several that match your sewing interests! You are invited to attend 2 meetings of any Neighborhood Group before joining the American Sewing Guild (ASG). Membership is $60 first year and $55 per year on renewals. Junior (up to age 17) and Youth (17 -22 if attending school or college) memberships are $35 per year. After joining ASG, Neighborhood Group meetings are free. Your membership is good at any ASG chapter nationwide.

As our chapter grows, new Neighborhood Groups are added to our monthly schedule. All levels of experience are welcome.

Click here to see the NG calendar for this month.  The calendar will have the topic as well as any changes in dates, times or cancellations.

Beader’s Workshop

When: 1st Thursday of the month, 10:00 AM
Where: Dallas Frankford Renner Library
Contact: Beaders Workshop
Description: Hands on bead weaving techniques. The group makes bracelets, necklaces, earrings, and trim for clothing.
You’re invited to the April Beader’s Workshop where you can make a small beaded purse necklace, with supplies needed including delicas, seed beads, and fireline. If you want a copy of the pattern, you can bring $1.00 to the meeting.

Community Sew

When: 1st Friday of the Month, 9:00 AM -12 noon
Where: Richarson Senior Center
820 Arapaho Rd.
Richardson, TX 75080
Contact: Community Sew
Description: Join fellow sewists to create items needed by various organizations in our community.


A New Twist on an old Neighborhood Group Meeting
(Toujours Couture)

When: 1st Wednesday of each month (except January and July) at 10:00 am to 12:00 pm.
Where: Plano Sewing Center, 2070 Spring Creek Parkway, #326, Plano
Contact: Couture
Description: Each month we concentrate on a specific technique and how to execute it beautifully.

Designing Divas

When: 4th Tuesday of the Month, 9:45 AM
Where: Christ United Methodist Church
3101 Coit Rd, Plano, TX 75075
Contact: Designing Divas
Description: Designing Divas focuses on flat pattern drafting to enhance the basic sloper pattern.

Divas of Denton County

When: 3rd Saturday of the Month, 10:00 AM
Where: Changes Monthly – click on the contact link to email for location
Contact: Divas of Denton
Description: We are sewing enthusiasts of southern Denton County. Our focus centers on fashion–patterns, fabrics and techniques. We’re always exploring new looks, ideas, tools and trends. Monthly meetings at the Lewisville Public Library. New members are always welcome.

Hoopla Sisters

When: 3rd Tuesday of the Month, 10:30 AM
Where: Home of Ginny Stein
Contact: Hoopla Sisters
Description: This group meets monthly and has programs and projects related to machine embroidery and using computer embroidery software. We have show and tell and also discuss new techniques, new products and upcoming events related to machine embroidery. All levels of skill are welcome and all machine brands are represented. Machines are not brought to the meetings.

Material Girls

Starting April 7, 2025, the Material Girls Neighborhood Group will resume meeting each month.

When: Second Monday of the Month, 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Where: Home of Pam Walker
Contact: Material Girls
Description: This is a fiber arts group of sewists interested in
something new without a lot of investment. New or visiting sewists are always welcome to attend a class that interests them. Most projects are completed during the class. Most of the time there will be supply kits ready for you.


When: 2nd Saturday of the Month, 10:00 AM -12 :00 PM
Where: Plano Sewing Center,
2070 W Spring Creek Pkwy #326, Plano TX 75023
Contact: TAG
Description: Hands on sewing projects for 8 – 18 year old’s. Registration is required. Please see this page for more information.

Upping Your Game

When: 3rd Monday of the Month, 6:30 to 8:00 PM
Where: Home of Angela Hooper, 716 Ashley Place, Murphy 75094
Contact: Upping Your Game
Description: Explore comfortable clothing suitable for going out or staying home. We’ll take a look at design details that can turn your garment into wearable art, how to copy a ready-to-wear look you’ve seen, explore new sewing techniques, and more!

We’re Sew Special

When: 1st Tuesday of the Month, 6:30 PM
Where: First Baptist Church, Mesquite
Contact: We’re Sew Special
Description: Geographic general Neighborhood Group

We’re So Special also hold a sew-in on the Second Saturday from 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM to make the project demonstrated at the previous Tuesday meeting.

Contact Us

Comments or questions are welcome.

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