Material Girls
This is Debbie Bowles’ braided rug she finished from the April Material Girls class.
The July class of the Material Girls will be Fabric Painting. Please note that the location of the class is to be announced due to remodeling at Plano Sewing Center.
The Material Girls’ May program: Creative Zippers led by Debby Bowles.
Hoopla Sisters
Here are some pictures from the first meeting of the Hoopla Sisters, the new Machine Embroidery Neighborhood Group. The group is meeting every 3rd Tuesday of the month at 11:00am at Ginny Stein’s.
The group has been in touch with a sister machine embroidery group near Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and is going to exchange embroidered cards with them.
Designing Divas
The Designing Divas at work fitting each other’s bodice muslins under guidance of Debby and Mary Jo.