Sewcial Sew

Let’s try something!  If you live in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area, we want to get to know you!  Join us at this meet up in North Dallas and hang out with other sewists!  Stay all day of just drop in for a little while.  Bring your sewing machine and work on a project, bring some handwork, bring a problem you want collaborative help with or just bring something to sip or snack on and visit. … Read the rest

State Fair Sewing

Plano ASG member, Debbie Reid, tells us her story of entering Texas State Fair sewing competitions over the years. We were so impressed and think you will be too.
Debbie wearing her 2019 winning entry

I have loved the Texas State Fair since childhood but it never occurred to me to enter a contest until a colleague at work encouraged me to give it a try.… Read the rest

Janelle’s Journey into Kantha

Submitted by Janelle Brantley

My sister Jacki called me on a Monday, from a Tues. Morning in East Texas, telling me about some Kantha throws she’d found and how wonderful they were.

They reminded her of  jackets she’d seen on Pinterest and in magazines and thought the throws would be perfect for a project.… Read the rest

A Series of Unfortunate Events

Lemony Snickett’s A Series of Unfortunate Events is a story of three orphans and their evil guardian’s repeated attempts to gain control of their family fortune before the oldest of the three turned 18 and claimed control.

What does this have to do with ANYTHING sewing related? Well, as I reflected on the current state of affairs of our local, independent fabric and sewing supply stores, it certainly does seem like we’ve had an evil guardian out there lately trying to do something similar.… Read the rest

Hitting it out of the Sewing Room

Plano ASG member, Tricia Kemp, showed off her latest creation at the November Toujours! Couture meeting.  It is a story of creativity and the value of ASG relationships, so we knew we had to share.

With the help of ASG friend, Penny Hanstein, Tricia developed a blouse sloper that she can now use to design any blouse she wants. … Read the rest

Indigo Dyeing Seen Wandering a Museum in Budapest

Submitted by Markita Hall-Gumble

Plano ASG member Markita, recently had the opportunity to spend some time in Budapest, Hungary.  And in typical ASG fashion, she found “all things fiber” the city had to offer!  Enjoy a virtual walk through history of indigo dyeing as Markita takes us on a tour of the Goldberger Textile Museum. … Read the rest

Can We Put Your Mind at Ease?

By Debbie Bowles and Sheryl Belson

A few years ago, I adapted my knit Grainline Morris blazer pattern so I could make it with some luscious silk matka. I made all the pattern adjustments to shift from a zero-ease design that works with the stretch of a knit to a design that would work with a non-stretch woven.… Read the rest

Get ready for a Sewing Retreat!

Plano ASG’s annual retreat will be held on February 6th – 9th 2020. Registration will be coming soon! Be on the look-out for the email if you are interested!

Photo by Kris Atomic on Unsplash

We are headed back to Sunset, Texas! Time to pack your sewing gear and spend the weekend with your sewing buddies’ sew-cializing for a few days!… Read the rest

Meet Sheryl – Sewist with a Passion Sewing Socially

How long have you been a member? Since 2012

Sheryls’ s blackwood cardigan for the March Sew My Style 2019 challenge

What do you like to sew? I love sewing garments, especially when I can add a creative element to them.  I also like making my own purses, but more as a need than a creative outlet.… Read the rest

Sewing Machine Maintenance

We’ve heard the old saying cleanliness is next to godliness.  Whether you think that saying holds any truth, it definitely could be rewritten in our community as:

Sewing Machine cleanliness is next to impossible!

Maybe I exaggerate.  But it certainly is an endless task!  On a regular basis, we need to take a minute to clear out the lint in our sewing machines if we want them to function well. … Read the rest