DAFA (Dallas Area Fiber Artists) Lace program

The general meeting for DAFA on Monday, April 23, will begin at 6:45 PM. Mini Workshop starts at 5:30PM  Guests welcome

Mini Workshop  Member Carrie Noess will teach the mini workshop at 5:30-6:30 on The Basics of Needlelace. The kit fee is $5. Please bring your Go-Kit with basic sewing supplies.

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Carol Boyd – Helping Those In Need

Carol Boyd has been leading the Community Service NG since 2013 simply because the group needed a leader and she just has a soft spot for helping anyone in need.

The group chooses items through the awareness of a need that are requested from a non-profit organization.… Read the rest

Mary, Queen of Prints Exhibit  

Adventures with Sheryl and Debby

What a field of eye candy!  Debby Bowles and I made the trek to the design district near downtown Dallas recently to hear a lecture on the history of print in fashion.  It was a very interesting lecture that highlighted 4 designers, all with a unique signature look. … Read the rest

Meet the Material Girls NG leader

As truth would have it. . .
want a job well done, ask a busy person.

I became an NG leader by default. I was not happy about it because I was still recovering from
surgery and learning how to say “no” as I was already overcommitted. Nevertheless, I took
over Material Girls in 2012 and it has been a fun, enjoyable and great learning experience.… Read the rest

2018 ASG Plano Sewing Retreat!



Sewing retreats are a wonderful way to relax, unwind, rejuvenate, and inspire our minds and bodies.  You will meet new friends and learn a new technique or two!

The 2018 AGS Plano was another huge success!  There were 26 ladies sewing day and night!  The Sunset Retreat and Quilt Shop is setup to allow you to sew and shop all night if you want to!  … Read the rest

Clutch and other handbag sewing advise

Marie B’s adventures with clutches :
What worked and what not to do!
I might not be remembering the specifics of what got me started making these bags and not sure why I didn’t attend, but think Markita was holding a Handbag NG suggesting this pattern (free download).  The bags appealed to me and I wanted to try sewing with cork so thought these might be a good introduction to purse making along with cork sewing.
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Shirt Making Workshop


On January 20, 15 Plano ASG members spent time with Maris Olsen, president of the Seattle ASG chapter, for a great day of learning shirt making techniques.  Maris covered so many valuable tips that ranged from sewing a one-piece collar, the burrito method of installing a collar stand, tower plackets and more. … Read the rest

Fringe! Make your own decorative accent

Discovering How to Make Fringe


I recently wanted to add colorful fringe to a plain stole I was making for the pastor of our church.  I tried a few ideas before finding a few video tutorials that gave me the idea that finally worked.  It turned out to be very easy! … Read the rest


10 Plano Chapter ASG members signed up for a day class at the Best Little Retreat Center in Dallas.  We all wanted guidance to make the Bionic Bag…the instructions on Craftsy are 84 pages long!  And there’s a video that the creator keeps on referring the sewer to.  She goes on and on, actually not making much sense. … Read the rest

Every fabric has a home

Every fabric has its day…or use.  At our recent farmers Market fabric sales I watched as our shoppers looked through our selection, delighting when they found a treasure.  One roll of fabric was always set to the side, its pattern was not obvious and the colors had no charm.  Toward the end of the sale I opened the roll and discovered four yards of cornstalk camouflage fabric. … Read the rest

Sheryl’s Creative Journey into the land of Koos

In 2017 I decided to set a goal of growing my creative skills.  These do not come naturally to me.  I am a process/rows-and-columns kind of thinker by nature.  As I set out to look for way to achieve that goal, I decided to sign up for Marla Kazell’s Koos coat workshop. … Read the rest

Mary Ray at Plano chapter of American Sewing Guild

The Plano chapter of the American Sewing Guild hosted Mary Ray (http://www.maryraydesigns.com) on September 29th and 30th, 2017. Mary Ray is a contributing editor at Threads Magazine (http://www.threadsmagazine.com/). She is currently teaching Apparel Construction and Flat Pattern Design part-time at Appalachian State University in Boone, North Carolina.… Read the rest