Material Girls Wet Felting Field Trip

A cold Tuesday Farmersville 5in January – What better time to have Material Girls venture to Farmersville to the Fancy

Fibers Store to learn how to Wet Felt using the dryer for the felting process.

Seven of us gathered around Mary Berry’s Fancy Fibers Store, first spending time just “petting” the

beautiful roving.… Read the rest

Plano ASG High Tea

Vintage+1950s+hatsGet out your fancy hat!  Plano Chapter of ASG is taking everyone to High Tea!

Date: Saturday, February 21, 2015

Time: 1:15 – 3:15 PM

Location: Chocolate Angel, corner of Preston and Parker

Be ready for a fun afternoon of tea and conversation. We will be quite elegantly served white chocolate cranberry scones, tea sandwiches, petite quiche, chicken salad tartlet, ham & gruyere puff pastry, assorted fruit, an assortment of sweet pastries, & selected loose leaf tea paired with each course.  … Read the rest

New York Fabric Tour

Debby and Sheryl’s Most Excellent Fabric Adventure!

It was a long time coming. Debby Bowles won Peggy Sagers’ December Fabric Tour to New York back in March. December finally arrived and with Christmas-like anticipation off she went. Sheryl Belson, also a Plano ASG member, tagged along and they did indeed have a MOST excellent adventure!… Read the rest

T.A.G Teach A New Generation

The American Sewing Guild has a special discounted membership for our Junior members.

  • Junior: $25 /1 yr
    Through age 17 and extending up to age 22 for registered college students.

Why join?  Learning to sew is both an Art and a Skill.  Our national website has online projects exclusively for our junior members, but any member can access these projects as well.… Read the rest

Inspired by Gone With The Wind Exhibits – Adventures of Markita

Curtain_Dress_and_Hat_350What could be better than exhibits that feature beautiful and iconic clothing?  It is the 75 anniversary of “Gone With The Wind” and the Ransom Center on the campus of the University of Texas at Arlington has curated an exhibit called the Making of Gone With The Wind.   If you can’t make the exhibit in person, I encourage you to check out the center’s website.… Read the rest

It’s a Wrap – 10 year anniversary of Plano Chapter Luncheon

The Plano Chapter of ASG celebrated 10 years of sewing friendships with a theme of another anniversary  – Diane Von Furstenberg’s iconic wrap dress celebrating it’s 40th year!




Our dynamic special events team  created  a contest theme which included  wrap garment, wrap outer wear and wrapped package categories.… Read the rest

Sewing Boot Camps – Learning to Sew

Do you have a sewing machine that has been collecting dust?  One in the box?  Are you itching to try out all of the creative projects you find on Pinterest, Craftsy, and creative blogs?

sewing machine graphic

Here at the Plano Chapter of the American Sewing Guild, we want to start you off with a series of classes we fondly call Sewing Boot Camp.  … Read the rest

Travelogue of a Wandering Sewist – Visiting Marla Kazell

The continued adventures of Sheryl and her trip west.

Further north on our journey I had the privilege of spending the morning shopping in Portland, OR with Marla Kazell.  It was such fun!

She introduced me to the Old Mill Store, which is so massive and has such incredible fabric offerings that I could have stayed there an entire day! … Read the rest

Travelogue of a Wandering Sewist – Inspiration Time with Diane Ericson

While on our road trip from Sonoma, CA to Seattle, WA I had the great privilege to make two “sewing nerd” stops.  I know you understand my enthusiasm because if you are reading this you are probably a sewing nerd too.  ASG is full of people like us!  Yea!

My first stop was in downtown Ashland, OR at Diane Ericson’s studio. … Read the rest

Space is Limited … Reserve your Space for the 2015 Plano ASG Retreat

Retreat Logo - WordPress Version vs 2Pack your luggage and your sewing room for three days dedicated to nothing but sewing! Hunker down at your machine along with fellow sewists to … complete works in progress, focus on projects requiring your complete attention & to dedicate uninterrupted time complete your most complex & challenging makes!

Do all this and more on one of the most breathtaking 30-acre parcels of land in North Texas at the Lakeview Camp & Retreat Center !… Read the rest

It’s a Wrap! Oct 25th 2014

It’s a Wrap Challenge Rules 2014:

 For all categories:

You must be a member in good standing of the National American Sewing Guild at the time of the Judging.

All judging will take place at the ASG Plano Annual Luncheon. October 25, 2014, Blue Mesa Grill in Plano.  No entries will be accepted at any other time.… Read the rest

Neighborhood Group News

Growing and evolving – 

Our neighborhood groups change in response to our members interests.  The Hoopla Sisters (machine embroidery neighborhood group) has grown to  35 ladies. The new morning meeting time is 10:30am and no lunch. We also have a new evening meeting at 7:00pm and no dinner. Both these meetings take place on the 3rd Tuesday of each month.… Read the rest