Newsletter and Group Schedule online

The Plano TX Chapter newsletter for April – May- June has been posted. It can be downloaded here. You’ll need your Plano ASG password to get into the page (hint: 2 words, no break, no capitals).

This edition of Material Issues has the following items:

  • Membership Report
  • Meet the President
  • Support our Chapter by buying online
  • 10th Annual ASG Winter Retreat pictures
  • Members highlights *new*
  • Mark Your Calenders!
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2014 ASG National Conference in St Louis

ASGConf14_hires_print_2in2014 ASG National Conference will take place in St Louis at the Arch, from Wednesday, July 23 to Monday, July 28.

ASG Conference offers workshops, seminars and lectures in two-day, all-day, half-day, two-hour and 90-minute formats. Classes are tailored to every sewing interest and every level of sewing skill.

The online registration begins TODAY.… Read the rest

Beginner Freemotion Stitching

ArtJournal-300pxFollowing Maggie’s Table Topper / Table Runner Sew Along, I want to share this with some of you that might be new to freemotion stitching/quilting.

Bernina has developed this little eBooklet (downloadable for free here) to try several beginner stitches techniques.

At the end all the different exercises are combined in a little art book.… Read the rest

Week 6: Table Runner / Table Topper Sew Along

Binding your Quilt

We are almost through with our project. All we have to do now is trim our quilt and bind it. Let’s Begin.

1. Trim your quilt. Line up your ruler with a straight line on your quilt and trim along the edge of the quilt. You will need to move your ruler along carefully, lining up to the straight line each time.… Read the rest

Week 6: Vogue 8897 Sew Along

It is hard to believe that this is the last session of this project. I would like to thank you for joining the Plano ASG chapter and me for our first (but surely not the last!) Sew Along. Our chapter has SEW many talented members, and you won’t want to miss what we present in the future.… Read the rest

Plano ASG Show & Tell Event

showtellHave you participated in the recent quilt and garment sew along led by Maggie and Louise? Or maybe you’ve finally perfected that garment that’s been a challenge, or conquered a new quilting technique. No matter what you’ve been working on bring your finished work of art and share your story at the Show & Tell event – Saturday March 22nd from 10am – 12pm.Read the rest

Week 5: Table Runner / Table Topper Sew Along

Making the Quilt Sandwich and Quilting

How many times have you made a quilt top from a magazine or a commercial pattern and, after guiding you step by step thru completion of the quilt top, the next instruction is “quilt as desired”? Frustrating, isn’t it.

I will be the first one to tell you that I am not a great “quilter”.… Read the rest

Week 5: Vogue 8897 Sew Along

How is your dress/tunic coming along? Are you happy with it so far? I can’t wait to see all of them at our event.

1. I want to address the subject of “grading” a seam. When a seam is enclosed by a facing, collar, or cuff (just to name a few instances), it will lay flatter if the seam allowances are graded.… Read the rest