Week 4: Vogue 8897 Sew Along

Have you missed our Sew Along post this week?  I know I have been eagerly awaiting them. 

Since this is our very first attempt to host a sew along we are learning quite a lot!  Preparing and posting these blog tutorials is a significant amount of work, especially for Maggie and Louise! Read the rest

Week 4: Table Runner / Table Topper Sew Along

Have you missed our Sew Along post this week? I know I have been eagerly awaiting them.

Since this is our very first attempt to host a sew along we are learning quite a lot! Preparing and posting these blog tutorials is a significant amount of work, especially for Maggie and Louise!Read the rest

Linda Lee’s Sewing with Knits Workshop + Fashion Show

Plano Chapter of the American Sewing Guild presents Linda Lee’s Sewing with Knits Workshop

Workshop Details:

Date: Saturday, April 26, 2014 Time: 9 AM – 5 PM
Location: Christ United Methodist, 3101 Coit Road, Plano, TX (open map)
Cost: ASG Members –  $135; Non-members- $165

CLICK HERE to register for the workshop.Read the rest

Week 3: Table Runner / Table Topper Sew Along

Block 2

Block 2

Prior to making the following cuts, trim your selvage from the ends of your fabric strips as shown in the previous posts.


TIP: A handy tool to have before starting this block is the Marti Michelle Perfect Patchwork Corner Trimmer ($5.00). It can be purchased at almost any quilt shop.… Read the rest

Week 3: Vogue 8897 Sew Along

Cutting the garment

1. Once all of the corrections are made to the pattern, you are almost ready to cut out your garment from your beautiful fabric. Your fabric should be prewashed and pressed already. Hopefully you have straightened the grain using the information from Sewing.org (opens PDF file). I will mention that some fabrics have a finish on them that prevent you from straightening the grain.… Read the rest

Week 2: Vogue 8897 Sew Along

Welcome back! This is week 2 of our Sew Along, and I hope you are excited and ready to get started. By now you have bought a pattern, read the back of the envelope and all of the instruction sheets. Hopefully you have found some fabric that you love and gathered all of the necessary notions and tools.… Read the rest

Week 2: Table Runner / Table Topper Sew Along

Block 1

Block 1

Prior to making the following cuts, trim your selvage from the ends of your fabric strips following instructions in lesson 1.

Table Topper: make 1

  • From one 4 1⁄2” strip of Fabric 1 (background) cut four 4 1⁄2” squares.
  • From 4 1⁄2” strip of Fabric 2 (accent) cut one 4 1⁄2” square.
Read the rest

For Sale: Cynthia Guffey patterns & Husqvarna Viking Diamond Deluxe

For Sale by Becky

Becky has duplicates of the following Cynthia Guffey patterns.

These patterns have not even been opened.
She would like to sell them for $15 each or both for $25.
Or she is willing to trade one for pattern J-5040 (see below)

Interest? Contact Becky


J-5051   Retail  $20

S-4020    Retail $18



For Sale by Terri

Terri has a Husqvarna Viking Diamond Deluxe Sewing/Embroidery machine for
sale.… Read the rest

Week 1: Table Runner / Table Topper Sew Along


My name is Maggie and I will be guiding you on this Sew Along to create a table runner or a table topper, whichever you desire.

17” x 62”
table runner x

table topper x37” x 37”

Here are the weekly lesson plans for both Sew Alongs:


Follow the directions below for either the Table Topper or Table Runner.… Read the rest

Week 1: Vogue 8897 Sew Along



Welcome to the Sew Along blog sponsored by the Plano Chapter of the American Sewing Guild.

My name is Louise Schubert, and I will be your guide through this adventure. Whether you are a seasoned sewist or a novice, hopefully this will be a fun experience for you.

To make it even more personal, you will be asked to post questions and comments on our Facebook page.Read the rest

2014 ASG Anyone Can Sew Contest

Layout 1

Anyone Can Win is ASG’s equal opportunity sewing event because anyone who enters has a chance to win, regardless of your sewing expertise or experience. Anyone Can Win is open to ASG “over 18” members and anyone age 18 and under (Open to U.S. residents only).

If the entrant is not a Junior Member, the “18 and under” category needs an ASG sponsor.… Read the rest

Podcast with Folk Fibers

Sheryl sent me a follow up on our previous blog about Thread Cult podcasts.

The creator of the Thread Cult podcasts and the Daughter Fish blog, Christine, just had a baby, but she’s back with new podcasts.

Thread Cult’s January podcast is with Maura Grace Ambrose:

“Maura Grace Ambrose is an Austin-based artist and founder of Folk Fibers.Read the rest