SAGA’s 34th Annual Convention

sagaThe 34th annual Smocking Arts Guild America (SAGA) convention will be held October 23-27 at the Embassy Suites Hotel and Conference Center, Frisco Texas. For registration options, please check the website or this pdf download.


SAGA Convention Faculty
Plans for the 2013 Convention include eleven internationally recognized teachers. Judith Adams, Carol Ahles, Jeannie Baumeister, Phyllis Brown, Gail Doane, Debbie Glenn, Barbara Meger, Claudia Newton, Susan O’Connor, Vaune Pierce, and Lyn Weeks will be teaching classes in smocking, fine hand and machine sewing, embroidery, and construction.… Read the rest

Free: Designs in Machine Embroidery – Summer Special

The Summer Special of Designs in Machine Embroidery is available as a free download. You don’t even have to leave your email address. The 67 page digital issue is packed with educational material for newbies, intermediate and advanced embroiderers.

Some of the content:

  • Stabilizers! We pulled together some of our best stabilizer resources so they are at your fingertips.
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For Sale

FOR SALE by Donna. Email Donna, if you’re interested in one of the items below:

– Underwires for bra-making (from Needle Nook Fabrics)  8 pairs Size 16 and one much smaller set — $1 a pair
– Stitch Era Universal Software CD (4 CDs)  and Quick Start Lesson. Donna paid $32+; yours for $25
– Pattern Master Boutique Software; started with V3 but have kept up with updates to X5 (I have put $135 just in upgrades), plus I have printed out the User’s Guide.… Read the rest

Our Neighborhood Groups in Action

Material Girls

This is Debbie Bowles’ braided rug she finished from the April Material Girls class.
The July class of the Material Girls will be Fabric Painting. Please note that the location of the class is to be announced due to remodeling at Plano Sewing Center.


The Material Girls’ May program: Creative Zippers led by Debby Bowles.… Read the rest

July – August – September Newsletter online

The Plano TX Chapter newsletter for July – August – September has been posted. It can be downloaded here. You’ll need your Plano ASG password to get into the page.

This edition of Material Issues has the following items:


  • Hoopla Sisters; a new Neighborhood Group
  • Our Neighborhood Groups in Action
  • A look at Carol Hamilton’s fabric stash
  • Mark Your Calenders!
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International FreeForm Fiberarts Guild 2013 Challenge

The International FreeForm Fiberarts Guild is hosting an online challenge every year. This year the theme was Mother Earth.

Click here to see all the entries. You can click each picture to read about the artist’s idea and to leave a comment.

You can also check the galleries from the previous annual challenges;



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Studio Faro

POCKETdetail_1smJami sent me a link to the Studio Faro blog. Anita from Studio Faro is active in the fashion industry as a designer, pattern maker, educator and trend forecaster, and has over 30 years experience in these fields. Based in the Inner West of Sydney, Studio Faro is a design and pattern-making studio that offers Design and Technical Services to the Fashion Industry and a Professional Development Program of pattern and design workshops.… Read the rest

Anyone Can Sew Fashion Show Pictures

The pictures from our very first Fashion Show can be viewed in the slideshow below. We had 26 models in the Fashion Show and had a blast looking at the large variety of garments, handbags and quilts. Twelve models used a pattern from the ASG National Anyone Can Win contest and their pictures will be entered into the contest.… Read the rest

Marla Kazell’s Koos van den Akker Collage Workshop and Trunk Show

This morning during our first Anyone Can Sew Fashion Show it was announced that November 1st and 2nd, Marla Kazell will lead a Koos van den Akker Collage Workshop and Trunk Show.

Marla Kazell has been sewing professionally for 30 years and creates beautiful couture garments in her custom clothing studio in Tigard, Oregon.Read the rest

Silhouette Patterns’ One-Day

Silhouette Patterns is organizing a new One-Day in Dallas with Peggy Sagers, on July 14th.

It will be a day of lecture, fashion, and a hands-on sewing education. In the morning fitting principles will be discussed and in the afternoon hands-on drapings on the muslins you bring will be done. These one-day workshops are designed for you to learn and understand principles that are difficult to teach via any other method.Read the rest

Free: Dress Design Draping and Flat Pattern Making Book

Jami sent a link to The Perfect Nose blog which regularly offers free downloadable books. These books were published in the 40’s and 50’s and their copyrights weren’t renewed, therefore making them public domain. She’s generous enough to scan them, crop and edit them so we can all enjoy those books.Read the rest