Want expert needle knowledge?

The Hoopla Sisters will host a Zoom meeting on Tuesday, March 16, 2021 at 10:30 am with Rhonda Pierce, spokesperson for Schmetz Needles and Grabbit.

Rhonda will be speaking about needles for piecing/quilting, sewing with knits and machine embroidery… something for everyone. More information about Rhonda and her presentation can be found here.Read the rest

Fireside Chat with Ann Williamson

Creative inspiration Alert! Our newest Fireside Chat with Ann Williamson is sure to get your creative juices flowing full force. Watch our 30 minute chat with her to learn about her creative process, her love of kimono silk, and her fun interaction with Ruth Bader Ginsberg.

Follow Ann on her blog and Instagram.… Read the rest


verb reuse (discarded objects or material) in such a way as to create a product of higher quality or value than the original.

At the end of this interesting year, I would like to share with you 3 upcycle projects. In Dallas/Ft. Worth we have many talented and creative folk. Some of them share and inspire on the Facebook page DFW Wearables

First up Aimee Wilson, who also just happens to have started and is an admin for the Facebook group DFW Sewing .… Read the rest

Looking Back at Native American Heritage Month

November was Native American Heritage Month. Celebrating belatedly with Plano member, Debbie B as she shares her journey into her heritage and learning to make Choctaw apparel. Enjoy this 30 minute interview!

Learn more about the Choctaw heritage on their Main Website and their YouTube Channel. See more about the traditional dressmaking process here.… Read the rest

The Ladybug Vera

A past visit to MAD (Museum of Arts and Design) New York January 2020, before we were aware of the deadly spread of COVID-19. I happily walked the streets of New York, engaging in my favorite pastime – Museum exhibits.

How many Vera’s come to mind when you think of fashion?… Read the rest

Celebrating Button Day with Benno’s Buttons

What better way to celebrate National Button Day than to spend a little time exploring the world of buttons with Jerry Dawson from Benno’s Buttons. Watch this video to learn a little bit about buttons and see some of the beautiful and unique buttons Benno’s offers. As Jerry says at the end of the video, what better way to celebrate the day than to buy a special button!… Read the rest

Fireside Chat with Oonaballoona

Join us for another episode of American Sewing Guild Fireside Chats. We spent an enchanting 40 minutes with actress, singer, sewing blogger and all around merry-maker, Marcy Harriell (a.k.a Oonaballoona). She shared both the serious and the shenanigans in this interview and we think you will find her to be just as entertaining as we did.… Read the rest

Meet Makers Who Just Happen to be D/FW Men

The sewing community is made up of talents from all ages, sex, religions and races. In this post, I wanted you all to meet some talented men makers. We never want to assume that our readers and members are only women, to do that would exclude so much creativity!

First up, let me introduce you to a young talented designer.… Read the rest

Red Hot Mess Challenge

What do you do when you receive a donation of a LARGE bolt of red knit fabric and a TUB full of tape measures? How about a challenge?! Our Special Events team created a fun challenge to find ways to incorporate both into any kind of project our members could dream of.… Read the rest

Fireside Chat with Anita Morris of Anita by Design

We had an incredible 37 minutes with this lovely lady! You will love her exuberance, authenticity, joy and sparkling smile. Anita Morris of Anita by Design shares her passion for helping people learn to sew, her unique way of planning her sewing projects, as well as how she has weathered some of life’s hardest moments.… Read the rest

Makers Gonna Make

Plano member, Annette Berlyn, splits her time between her home in South Africa and her daughter’s home here is Texas.  If one thing is true about Annette, it is that she will create the most interesting things out of anything she can get her hands on!

We hope you enjoy her story of how a simple museum visit with a friend turned her into an entrepreneur artist for the museum gift shop.… Read the rest