President’s Highlights – February 2025

LOVE is in the air!  Love for family and love for friends – Especially our Sewing GAL Friends!  It is time to celebrate with a GALentine’s Lunch.  A time to get together, eat, and just spend time with our sewing friends.
WHEN:  Thursday, February 13, 11:00 a.m.
WHERE:  Aboca’s Italian Grill
                 100 Central Expwy Suite 63
                  Richardson, TX 75080
RSVP* by February 10:  to Maria King
*Even though we are each paying for our own lunch, we need to know how many will be there.

Neighborhood Group Spotlight – Couture

At the February Couture meeting the Plano ASG member behind Tape Free Patterns, Kathe Campomanes, is explaining her company.  Here’s a chance to meet her and learn all about pdf patterns.   
Couture:  Wednesday, February 5, 10 a.m.
Plano Sewing Center 2070 W Spring Creek, Plano, TX 75023
**Plano Sewing Center is having an embroidery thread sale. Plus, on Couture Meeting Day discounts apply on in-store purchases.

New Member – Let’s all welcome Pat Fuller as a January new member.  Pat works with the State Fair Creative Arts Department, and through your entries she has learned about Plano American Sewing Guild!

So many fun pictures!  First from the Intown Retreat, then from Designing Divas where Jami demonstrated how to draft supply carryalls.

Intown Retreat February 7-9


Designing Divas January 28



President’s Highlights – January 2025

Happy New Year! I hope your holidays were wonderful. It was definitely a time to reflect on how wonderful the Plano Chapter of ASG has become. As I review all the different aspects of our group, I am amazed at how many of you volunteer your time and effort to encourage and spread our love of sewing.
I challenge you to join me in one of my many New Year’s resolutions – to attend a new neighborhood group or activity I haven’t tried.

An easy group to try will be held this Friday, January 3, from 9-noon for the Community Sew at the Richardson Senior Center. This is the perfect time to try it out since no sewing machines are needed this month. Just scissors or rotary cutters and pins or weights to cut out baby and toddler bibs for Hope’s Door. Sewing will be done in February. Give it a try!

Perhaps try out the Stay at Home Retreat Friday – Sunday, January 17-19. You can attend 1, 2 or 3 days. The link to sign up for the retreat is REGISTRATION

The Special Events Team is getting excited about our Spring Event in March. They are being very creative in their challenge this year. It will be called “Unleash Your Imagination.”

What inspires you to create beautiful clothing, accessories or home decor? Is it a piece of art, a picture, nature or maybe something you’ve seen on Pinterest? The ASG Special Events team has decided to switch up our spring challenge to showcase your creations and hear what inspired you to make them. All creative endeavors are welcome! As you have come to expect, there will be a grand prize for the Viewer’s Choice award.

The spring event date and location will be announced in January, once a venue has been booked. So get those post-holiday juices flowing and we’ll see you this spring. Possible links to include: 10 Fashion Designs Inspired by Iconic Artworks Domestika or Vintage Inspired Accessories – Nataya or Pinterest

Also save the date on April 26th for a Tennis Shoe making class hosted by Joanne Jensen. Details will be coming out soon.

Happy Sewing,
Debby Bowles