No plans yet this Saturday?
Then come to the Saturday Stitchers Neighborhood Group!
This group meets every 4th Saturday at 10:00am at the Christ United Methodist Church (SW corner of Parker Rd./Coit in Plano).
This month’s meeting will be a planning meeting for the year, so bring your ideas about what you want the group to do this year.
While we talk and plan I thought we could work on a small project, so we will make hat pincushions from felt. A supply list is provided below, or I will make a few kits for $2.00 each. If you want a kit, please let me know so I can plan. The kits will not be wool felt.
Please bring basic sewing supplies like scissors, needles & thread and a couple of pins if you want to make a pin cushion.
8 x 10 piece of felt (wool preferred)
¼” x 14 contrasting felt or ribbon for hatband
Scraps of felt for flower & leaves
Polyester fiberfill
Perle cotton to match or contrast with felt
Thread to match felt
Optional: 24 3mm seed beads
Fabric glue
I hope to see you on Saturday. If you have any questions please send me an email,