Techniques on Saturday will be trying a new format for the next few months. Instead of a program on a specific technique, we will offer sewing mentor advise on YOUR project. What project are you working on, or wanting to start ? Members will pick a pattern and fabric of their choice to bring to the meeting.
The idea will be to learn techniques from the chosen patterns to complete a project. Members will begin with the layout and cutting then move into construction. Some parts of the project will be completed in class and others on their own at home. If the sewer runs into a problem they will bring it to the group and we will talk about the solution.
Hopefully this format will allow our members to perfect the skills they want to learn on projects that are relevant to them.
If you want to join in please bring a pattern and fabric to the next meeting along with basic sewing supplies of scissors, pins, long ruler and marking pencils or pens.
Interested? If so, and you are planning to attend you must register at this page.