Plano ASG member, Debbie Reid, tells us her story of entering Texas State Fair sewing competitions over the years. We were so impressed and think you will be too.

I have loved the Texas State Fair since childhood but it never occurred to me to enter a contest until a colleague at work encouraged me to give it a try. When I won a first-place ribbon for the suit I entered in 1985, I was hooked!
Here are a few pictures of some of my entries over the years since that first experience.

In 1994, I received a best of show ribbon for this suit.

In 2005 I received a third-place ribbon for this motorcycling outfit.

I taught my granddaughters to sew and in 2011 Ivy won a first-place ribbon for the dress she is wearing, and I won a first place ribbon for the jacket in the case just behind Ivy.

In 2014 I made this hand-beaded wedding dress for Ivy and won a first-place ribbon.
One year I received a second-place ribbon for a coat I had made for my sister. A friend was at the fair and when his son saw the coat, he couldn’t believe that someone could make a coat. They looked at the name on the ribbon and when he saw it was me, he was very impressed.

This past fall I won second place for what will be the last business-style jacket I expect to make since I just retired. Now I have even more time to sew!
Since my introduction to the Texas State Fair competition back in 1985, I’ve been thrilled to win a total of 23 ribbons!
The process is simple. I register and pay the entry fees ($5 per item) in July. Then in August I take my entry to the fairgrounds and leave it to be judged. The judging takes place later in August and winners are notified around Labor Day of their ribbon and if their entry will be displayed during the Fair.
I encourage everyone to enter the contests. It is a lot of fun and the more entries they have the more likely they are to add categories which means more ribbons to go around! It’s fun to tell your friends to look for your entry in the cases at the Creative Arts building.
If you want to see a preview of the rules, the 2019 contest handbook is still online. In the spring the handbook will be updated for 2020 and posted on the website. There could be some changes to rules and categories but most of it will be the same from year to year. Wouldn’t it be fun if Plano ASG members had more winning entries in 2020 than anyone else? Come join me and let’s do it!

Congratulations, Donna, on all your wins. Your suggestion that more Plano ASG members enter is great. As I attend meetings this year I will encourage our members to enter. Please do the same. It would be wonderful if in 2020 or 2021 we have the most wins!
OK! You’ve inspired me. I want to enter something in 2020!
Sweet and inspiring